GRE Vocab (simplified)
Abscond | To depart secretly |
Aberrant | Deviating from the norm |
Alacrity | Eager willingness |
Anomaly | Abnormality |
Approbation | Expression of approval |
Arduous | Strenuous |
Assuage | Ease or lessen |
Audacious | Daring and fearless |
Austere | Simple, bare |
Axiomatic | Taken as a given |
Canonical | Following accepted standards |
Capricious | Inclined to change one’s mind |
Censure | Criticize severely |
Chicanery | Trickery |
Connoisseur | Expert |
Convoluted | Complex |
Disabuse | To set right |
Discordant | Conflicting |
Disparate | Dissimilar |
Effrontery | Extreme boldness |
Eloquent | Articulate |
Enervate | To weaken |
Ennui | Dissatisfaction and restlessness |
Equivocate | Use ambiguous language with deceptive intent |
Erudite | Very learned, scholarly |
Exculpate | Clear of blame |
Exigent | Urgent |
Extemporaneous | Improvised |
Filibuster | Intentional obstruction (usually in speech) |
Fulminate | To loudly attack |
Ingenuous | Frank and candid |
Inured | Accustomed to accepting something undesirable |
Irascible | Easily angered |
Laud | To praise highly |
Lucid | clear |
Magnanimity | Quality of being generous in mind and heart |
Martial | Associated with war |
Mundane | Typical |
Nascent | Coming into being |
Nebulous | Vague, cloudy |
Neologism | A new word or expression |
Noxious | Harmful |
Obtuse | Lacking sharpness of intellect |
Obviate | To anticipate and make unnecessary |
Onerous | Troubling |
Paean | Song or hymn in praise |
Parody | Humorous imitation |
Perennial | Recurrent throughout the year |
Perfidy | Intentional breach |
Perfunctory | Done with care or interest |
Perspicacious | Acutely perceptive |
Prattle | Babble meaninglessly |
Precipitate | Acting with excessive haste (adj) |
Precipitate | To cause to happen before required (v) |
Prescience | Foreknowledge of events |
Prevaricate | To deliberately avoid the truth |
Qualms | Misgivings |
Recant | To retract |
Refute | To disprove |
Relegate | To forcibly assign |
Reticent | Quiet, reserved |
Solicitous | Concerned or attentive |
Sordid | Foul |
Sporadic | Occurring only occasionally |
Squander | To waste by spending |
Static | Not moving |
Stupefy | To stun |
Stymie | To block |
Synthesis | Combination of parts |
Torque | Force that causes rotation |
Tortuous | Winding, twisting |
Truculent | Fierce and cruel |
Veracity | Honesty |
Virulent | Extremely harmful |
Voracious | Ravenous |
Waver | To move to and fro |
Abate | To lessen in intensity |
Accolade | Expression of praise |
Adulation | Excessive praise |
Aesthetic | Dealing with the beautiful |
Ameliorate | To make better |
Ascetic | One who practices rigid self-denial |
Avarice | Greed |
Axiom | Universally recognized principle |
Burgeon | To grow rapidly |
Bucolic | Rustic and pastoral |
Cacophony | Harsh, jarring |
Canon | Established set of principles |
Castigation | Severe criticism |
Catalyst | Substance or person that causes change |
Caustic | Burning or stinging |
Chary | Wary |
Cogent | Convincing, appealing to reason |
Complaisance | Willingness to comply with others’ wishes |
Contentious | Argumentative |
Contrite | Regretful, seeking forgiveness |
Culpable | Deserving blame |
Dearth | Smallness of quantity |
Demur | To question or oppose |
Didactic | Intended to teach |
Discretion | Cautious reserve in speech |
Disinterested | Impartial |
Dogmatic | Expressing a rigid opinion |
Ebullience | The quality of lively or enthusiastic expression |
Eclectic | Composed of various sources |
Elegy | Mournful poem |
Emollient | Soothing |
Empirical | Based on observation or experiment |
Enigmatic | Mysterious or obscure |
Ephemeral | Brief |
Esoteric | Intended to be understood by a small group |
Eulogy | Speech honoring the dead |
Exonerate | To remove blame |
Facetious | Playful, humorous |
Fallacy | An invalid or incorrect notion |
Furtive | Marked by stealth |
Gregarious | Sociable |
Harangue | To deliver a pompous speech or tirade |
Heretical | Violating accepted dogma |
Hyperbole | An exaggerated statement |
Impecunious | Lacking funds |
Incipient | Beginning to come into being |
Inert | Unmoving, lethargic |
Innocuous | Harmless |
Intransigent | Refusing to compromise |
Inveigle | To obtain by deception |
Morose | Sad, sullen |
Odious | Evoking intense aversion |
Opaque | Impenetrable by light |
Oscillation | Act or state of swinging back and forth |
Penurious | Penny-pushing |
Pernicious | Extremely harmful |
Peruse | To examine with great care |
Pious | Extremely relevant or devout |
Precursor | One that proceeds or announces another |
Preen | To dress up |
Prodigious | Abundant in size |
Prolific | Producing large volumes or amounts |
Putrefy | To rot |
Quaff | To drink deeply |
Quiescence | stillness |
Redoubtable | Awe-inspiring |
Sanction | Authoritative permission or approval |
Satire | A literary work that ridicules or criticizes a human vice |
Squalid | Sordid |
Stoic | Indifferent to pleasure or pain |
Supplant | To take the place of |
Torpid | Lethargic |
Ubiquitous | Existing everywhere at the same time |
Urbane | Sophisticated |
Vilify | To defame |
Viscous | Think, sticky |
Acumen | Accurate judgment or insight |
Adulterate | To reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients |
Amalgamate | To combine several elements into one whole |
Archaic | Outdated |
Aver | To state as a fact |
Bolster | To provide support |
Bombastic | Pompous |
Diatribe | A harsh denunciation |
Dissemble | To disguise or conceal |
Eccentric | Departing from norms |
Endemic | Often found in a particular place or region |
Evanescent | Tending to disappear like vapor |
Exacerbate | To make worse |
Fervent | Greatly emotional or zealous |
Fortuitous | Happening by chance or accident |
Germane | Relevant to the subject |
Grandiloquence | Pompous speech |
Hackneyed | Rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage |
Halcyon | Calm and peaceful |
Hedonism | Devotion to pleasurable pursuits |
Hegemony | The consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others |
Iconoclast | One who attacks or undermines traditional conventions |
Idolatrous | Given to intense or excessive devotion to something |
Impassive | Revealing no emotion |
Imperturbable | Marked by extreme calm |
Implacable | Not capable of being appeased or changed |
Impunity | Immunity of punishment or penalty |
Inchoate | In an initial stage |
Infelicitous | Unfortunate |
Insipid | Without taste or flavor |
Loquacious | Extremely talkative |
Luminous | Characterized by brightness |
Malevolent | Having or showing often vicious ill will |
Malleable | Capable of being shaped or formed |
Mendacity | The condition of being untruthful |
Meticulous | Characterized by extreme care or precision |
Misanthrope | One who hates all other humans |
Mitigate | To make or become less severe |
Obdurate | Unyielding |
Obsequious | Exhibiting a fawning attentiveness |
Occlude | To obstruct |
Opprobrium | Disgrace, contempt, scorn |
Pedagogy | The profession or principal of teaching |
Pedantic | Overly concerned with trivial details of learning, show-offish |
Pervasive | Having the tendency to spread throughout |
Pine | To yearn intensely |
Pirate | To illegally use or reproduce |
Pith | The essential or central part |
Pithy | Precise and brief |
Placate | To appease |
Platitude | A superficial remark |
Plummet | To plunge or drop |
Polemical | Controversial |
Prodigal | Recklessly wasteful |
Profuse | Given or coming forth abundantly |
Proliferate | To grow or increase swiftly and abundantly |
Queries | Questions |
Querulous | Prone to complaining |
Rancorous | Characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment |
Recalcitrant | Obstinately defiant |
Repudiate | Disown |
Rescind | To repeal |
Reverent | Feeling or expressing a feeling of profound awe and respect |
Rhetoric | The art or study of effective use of language |
Salubrious | Promoting health or well-being |
Solvent | Able to meet financial obligations, able to dissolve another substance |
Specious | Seeming true but actually being false |
Spurious | Lacking validity, false |
Subpoena | A court order requiring appearance |
Succinct | Brief, concise |
Superfluous | Exceeding what is sufficient or necessary |
Surfeit | An overabundant supply |
Tenacity | The quality of persistence to something valued |
Tenuous | Having little substance or strength |
Tirade | Long an critical speech |
Transient | Fleeting |
Zealous | Devoted to a cause |
Acerbic | Having a sour or bitter taste |
Aggrandize | To increase in intensity |
Alchemy | Medieval science (specifically towards transmutation of metals) |
Amendable | Agreeable |
Anachronism | Something or someone out of place |
Astringent | Having a tightening effect on living tissue, harsh, severe |
Contiguous | Sharing a border |
Convention | A generally agreed upon attitude or practice |
Credulous | Tending to believe too quickly, gullible |
Cynicism | Belief that all people are driven by selfishness |
Decorum | Polite or appropriate conduct |
Derision | Scorn, ridicule |
Desiccate | To dry out or dehydrate |
Dilettante | One with amateurish or superficial interest in the arts |
Disparage | To belittle |
Divulge | To disclose something |
Fawn | To flatter or praise excessively |
Flout | To show contempt for |
Garrulous | Pointlessly talkative |
Glib | Ease or informality, nonchalant |
Hubris | Pride |
Imminent | About to happen |
Immutable | Not capable of change |
Impetuous | Hastily or rashly energetic |
Indifferent | Having no interest or concern |
Inimical | Damaging |
Intractable | Not easily managed or directed |
Intrepid | Steadfast and courageous |
Laconic | Terse, using few words |
Maverick | Independent individual who doesn’t go along with a group or party |
Mercurial | Characterized by rapid and unpredictable change |
Mollify | To calm or soothe |
Neophyte | A recent convert, beginner, novice |
Obfuscate | To deliberately obscure |
Obstinate | Stubborn |
Ostentatious | Characterized by or given to pretentious display |
Pervade | To permeate throughout |
Phlegmatic | Calm, sluggish, unemotional |
Plethora | An overabundance, a surplus |
Pragmatic | Practical rather than idealistic |
Presumptuous | Overstepping due bounds |
Pristine | Pure, uncorrupted, clean |
Probity | Adherence to highest principles , integrity |
Proclivity | A natural predisposition or inclination |
Profligate | Excessively wasteful |
Propensity | A natural inclination or tendency |
Prosaic | dull |
Pungent | Characterized by a strong, sharp smell or taste |
Quixotic | Foolishly impractical |
Quotidian | Occurring or reoccurring daily |
Rarefy | To refine, to make or become thin |
Recondite | Hidden, concealed |
Refulgent | Radiant |
Renege | To fail to honor a commitment |
Sedulous | Diligent |
Shard | A piece of broken pottery or glass |
Soporific | Causing drowsiness |
Sparse | Thin, not dense |
Spendthrift | One who spends money wastefully |
Subtle | Not obvious, elusive |
Tacit | Implied, not explicitly stated |
Terse | Brief and concise in wording |
Tout | To publically praise or promote |
Trenchant | Sharply perceptive |
Unfeigned | Genuine |
Untenable | Not viable |
Vacillate | To waver indecisively between one course of action and another |
Variegated | Multi-colored |
Vexation | Annoyance |
Vigilant | Alertly watchful |
Vituperate | To use harsh condemnatory language |
Volatile | Readily changing to a vapor, fickle |
Alloy | To commingle |
Appropriate | To confiscate |
Arrest, arresting | To suspend or engage |
August | Majestic |
Bent | Leaning, inclination |
Broach | Bring up, announce |
Brook | To tolerate |
Cardinal | Major |
Chauvinist | A blindly devoted patriot |
Color | To change as if by dyeing |
Damper | To diminish the intensity |
Die | A tool used for shaping |
Essay | To test or try |
Exact | To demand, call for, require |
Fell | To cause to fall by striking (v) |
Fell | Inhumanly cruel (adj) |
Flag | To sag or droop |
Flip | Sarcastic |
Ford | To wade across the shallow part of a river or stream |
Grouse | To complain or grumble |
Guy | A rope, cord…to steady or reinforce using a guy |
Intimate | To imply or suggest |
List | To tilt or lean to one side |
Lumber | To move hastily and clumsily |
Meet | Fitting, proper |
Milk | To exploit |
Mince | Pronounce or speak affectedly, speak too carefully |
Nice | Exacting, extremely precise |
Obtain | To be established or customary |
Occult | Hidden, concealed |
Pedestrian | Commonplace, trite |
Pied | Multicolored |
Pine | To lose vigor, to yearn |
Plastic | Moldable, pliable |
Pluck | Courage, spunk |
Prize | To pry, press |
Rail | To complain about bitterly |
Rent | Torn, past of rend |
Quail | To lose courage |
Qualify | To limit |
Sap | To enervate or weaken (v) |
Sap | A fool or nitwit (n) |
Scurvy | Contemptible |
Singular | Exceptional, unusual |
Stand | A group of trees |
Steep | To saturate or completely soak |
Strut | To supporting structural cross-part of a win |
Table | To remove from consideration (as in parliament) |
Tender | To proffer or offer |
Waffle | To change one’s position |
Wag | Wit, joker |
Abjure | To renounce |
Adumbrate | To foreshadow vaguely |
Anathema | A solemn or ecclesiastical curse |
Anodyne | Soothing |
Apogee | Farthest or highest point |
Apostate | One who abandons long-held religious or political convictions |
Apotheosis | Deification, glorification to godliness |
Asperity | Severity, vigor |
Asseverate | To assert |
Assiduous | Diligent |
Augury | Omen, portent |
Bellicose | Belligerent |
Calumniate | To slander |
Captious | Calculated to confuse or trap in argument |
Cavil | To find fault without good reason |
Celerity | Speed, alacrity |
Chimera | An illusion, an imaginary fire-breathing she-monster |
Contumacious | Insubordinate |
Debacle | Rout, fiasco |
Denouement | An outcome or solution |
Descry | To discriminate or discern |
Desuetude | Disuse |
Desultory | Random, aimless |
Diaphanous | Transparent |
Diffident | Reserved, shy |
Dirge | A song of grief |
Encomium | Glowing and enthusiastic |
Eschew | To shun or avoid |
Excoriate | To censure scathingly |
Execrate | Denounce |
Exegesis | Critical examination |
Expiate | To atone or make amends for |
Extirpate | To destroy |
Fatuous | Silly, inanely foolish |
Fractious | Quarrelsome |
Gainsay | To deny, dispute |
Heterodox | Unorthodox, heretical |
Imbroglio | Difficult or embarrassing situation |
Indefatigable | Tireless |
Ineluctable | Certain, inevitable |
Inimitable | One of a kind |
Insouciant | Unconcerned |
Inveterate | Deep rooted |
Jejune | Uninteresting, childish, immature |
Lubricious | Lewd, slippery |
Mendicant | A beggar |
Meretricious | Cheap, gaudy |
Minatory | Menacing, threatening |
Nadir | Low point, perigee |
Nonplussed | Baffled, bewildered |
Obstreperous | Noisily and stubbornly defiant |
Ossified | Tending to become more rigid |
Palliate | To make less serious |
Panegyric | Formal praise |
Parsimonious | Cheap, miserly |
Pellucid | Transparent |
Peroration | The concluding part of a speech |
Plangent | Pounding, thundering |
Prolix | Long-winded |
Propitiate | To appease |
Puerile | Childish |
Puissance | Power, strength |
Pusillanimous | cowardly |
Remonstrate | To protest, object |
Sagacious | Having sound judgment |
Salacious | Lustful |
Salutary | Remedial, wholesome |
Sanguine | Cheerful, confident, optimistic |
Saturnine | Gloomy, dark, sullen |
Sententious | Moralistic |
Stentorian | Extremely loud and powerful |
Stygian | Gloomy, dark |
Sycophant | Toady, servile |
Tendentious | Biased |
Timorous | Timid, fearful |
Tyro | Novice |
Vitiate | To corrupt or spoil |
Voluble |
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