Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Hardest Part

The hardest part...There always is one. At least ONE thing. My application materials are all together, but now I need to decide. Put myself in debt for three years of schooling...or wait it out, get a job and maybe go back to it. I just don't have the money right now. I don't think I can ask (and really don't want to ask) my parents to help me out with this one. Once I'm done with Marist, they're supposed to be done with me. Big girl time. I'm doing my part with internships, constantly practicing my writing...There's nothing wrong with working in the family insurance agency until I get my feet on the ground...but it's not ME. And I have this unsupressable feeling that I'll get stuck there forever, which I don't want.

I feel like I'm treading water, thinking, while everyone is beating themselves upstream at an incredible rate.

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