Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Short Visual Story Telling Scene!!

So this semester I'm taking an awesome screenwriting course. We just did little mini scenes where they're action based. The important moments are not through dialogue. So I figured I'd post this to break up the monotony of my earlier posts. Hope you guys enjoy. I actually started character outlines for a longer piece.

Also, this was workshopped Monday in class, so I have a couple tweaks for it. But this is the original one. Blogger did something funky to the formatting on me, so hopefully it's not too awful. Grr.

INT. deserted Pittsburgh factory - day

Inside an old brick factory in downtown Pittsburgh, a photography crew has set up to complete a fall fashion shoot for a popular magazine. Lamps shine on several different backdrops and stage props. Several of the bright, tall windows have broken glass in the panes. The floor is dusty and scraped.

There is a long table off to the side with multiple cameras on it. Another table meets it  and is covered with fresh fruit and coffee. There is a box of plump doughnuts and pastries at the very end.

MARINA, early 20's, has her hair covered in hairspray and thick make-up on her face, walks in on 5 inch heels and with a towel wrapped tightly around her.

BETH, late 40's, dressed professionally with her hair in a tight bun, hurries over to her.

Mar, why are you not dressed?

Marina throws open the towel to reveal the skimpy bathing suit she is wearing.

Is this not a fall photo shoot?

Last time I checked, you wear what they tell you.

Beth gives Marina an appraising look.


Marina pulls the towel back around her and starts to walk away.

Stay away from that doughnut table. I can see they've been a problem.

Marina stops dead. She turns around to glare at Beth. She stomps away behind a partition where the sounds of the other models preparing for the shoot can be heard.

MARTIN, the photographer dressed in trendy ripped jeans, a tight white t-shirt and a black vest, also late 40's, enters the set. An assistant wipes lint from his black vest and hands him a clipboard with several sheets of paper on it. He flips through it, looking down through his round, black rimmed glasses.

(to Beth)
I'm ready.

Beth nods and runs behind the partition as her cell phone rings. She places it to her ear and nods at what is being said on the other end.

Beth, still on her cell phone, walks back out with Marina. Martin takes one of Marina's hands and lead her over to the first set where fake autumn leaves and hay bales are scattered on the floor in front of a barn backdrop.

I want smoldering here. Towel.

Marina hands him the towel, but takes her time unwrapping. Martin taps a foot. She hands it to him and turns away, arms crossed.

The camera isn't on the wall.

Marina turns back around and smiles. Martin stares, clears his throat and walks away to set up to start shooting.

Marina lays on top of the hay bale, laying a hand over her head. Make-up assistants hover in the background and several other models gather to watch. Beth still talks on her cell phone.

Marina tries various poses. Martin clears his throat and stop shooting.

We're putting you in a cover-up. Also, someone get me a scale!

One assistant runs over carrying a large white scale and a see-through cover-up. She sets the scale down in front of Martin and dashes away again. Martin signals for Marina to come over with a wave of his hand.
One hand pressed to his temple, massaging it, he points down at the scale with the other. Marina takes off her heels and steps on. The electric screen beeps as it hits a weight. Marina holds her head up and looks ahead.

Do you think this is a joke? Why aren't you laughing?

He turns back to face all the models.

                               Is this a joke to all of you? No one plans on following the diet? 
                     You all think your faces are enough to get you by? 
             Everyone come up here to get weighed. Now.

Beth drops her cell phone from her ear a bit. The models  file up to be weighed. Marina still has not moved.
A second assistant walks in with a bag of greasy fast food. He sets it on the table, along with a large latte with Martin's name written on the side.

Marina steps off the scale. She pulls her heels back on. Martin watches her walk away.

Marina! Laxatives. You know where they are. And have your eyes retouched.

Marina ignores him. She stops at the tables against the wall. She picks up the bag and dumps it open on top of the fresh fruit.

She picks up one of the two double cheeseburgers and unwraps it. She waves one of the assistants over and takes a lipstick from her. She turns around to face Martin and applies the red lipstick. She takes the unwrapped cheeseburger and takes a huge bite.

Martin crosses his arms. Marina continues to eat. She turns back to the table and picks up the extra large fry and the other burger. She puts it all back in the bag. She picks up the latte and removes the cover. She takes a sip and recovers it.

Marina takes another bite of the burger and begins walking toward Martin, who has begun tapping his foot again, his arms still crossed.

Marina gets right in Martin's face. She takes another giant bite of the burger. She wipes the ketchup and mustard that oozes out onto his vest. She turns and walks away, throwing the burger on the floor.
She stops a few feet from the door and turns around.

Thanks. Maybe I'll get the last pieces I needed to win Monopoly.

She walks out, slamming the door behind her. Martin doesn't move.

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